Thursday, December 29, 2011

It's a healthy baby something.

So far, pregnancy has been an adventure, and a fantastically new learning experience, but this week has been the greatest adventure so far. Now that I am in my fifth month of pregnancy, we are far enough along to find out the gender of our baby!

We had heard so many "tricks" to figuring out the gender, before you were 20 weeks. We heard; If you carry high, it's a girl and if you carry low, it's a boy. If the heart rate is above 140 then it's a girl. If your husband gains weight, it's a girl. If you weren't under stress when you conceived, then it's a boy. If you tend to pass gas in your sleep, then it's an orangutan (not really)! After we compared my pregnancy to these.... indicators, we were pretty confident that this baby is a girl, and on top of that, both Jordan and I, just sort of felt that it is a girl.

As the days lead up to the very much anticipated ultrasound, I would look at my ballooning body in the mirror and think about how strange I am starting to look. Since I am carrying so high, my bust and belly nearly merge now, and my waist is completely gone, I look like a lovely little blob in a blue sweater. This would normally upset me, but all I could think about is this precious little baby floating around kicking my kidneys, and it makes my new blob like and shapeless body more than worth it. Part of me wanted to just imagine the baby in my rounding belly as a little girl with Jordan's eyes and my hair, but I knew that it wasn't time for that yet.

Christmas came and went, and finally Tuesday was here. I obediently filled my bladder past capacity, and lay down very uncomfortably on the table. The ultrasound tech tried three times to find the baby's gender, with no luck, our sweet little child is a modest thing and had it's legs very tightly clamped shut, no amount of jiggling or waiting was swaying that modesty. Forty-five minutes had gone by and the tech had seen nearly everything she needed, I had been diligently praying for Heavenly Father to convince this child to just give us a little peak. I wanted so badly to be able to give my baby a name, and an identity more than just "my baby".

Luckily, my prayers were answered and the baby opened its little legs and the sight was unmistakable.
We are having a bouncing baby  BOY.

We were so certain it was a girl that it was a wonderful surprise to see the unmistakable boy parts on the screen, we were ecstatic. Now don't get me wrong, we weren't hoping for one gender over the other, it's our first baby, how could we possibly have a preference yet? All I really wanted to hear was that it was a baby, and it's healthy, but I have to say it is added excitement that I can now picture my SON, Noah, not just some baby.

It even looks like he has my nose. The thought of Jordan sharing his love for music, his unique kindness, and unconditional love for everyone with our little boy, brings tears to my eyes. Thinking of him fishing with my dad, or cooking with my mom, or cuddling with me on the couch. My emotions are indescribable. I have always known, without a shadow of a doubt, that I want to have a family, but the happiness I feel about such an enormous change in our lives, is nothing but reassurance that  we are meant for this. We hope that someday our baby boy with have sisters and brothers, and will be able to share the happiness that an addition to the family brings.

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